Mobile Development, Web Application,

Custom Designed Cloud-Based Consignment Software
In the fast-moving world of freight and logistics, UB Freight is no stranger to utilising software to help grow their business and offer better solutions to their customers. However as their business has grown, they’ve found that off-the-shelf software constraints were limiting their operational efficiency.
Their current approach to consignment handling was cumbersome and riddled with potential errors. Drivers lacked a systematic, non-paper based approach to pick up items, verify weights, and confirm deliveries without the need for any double entry. UB Freight sought a solution that would not only address these issues but also provide real-time data for enhanced management and decision-making.
Orchid designed and implemented a multi-platform solution, built from the ground up and fully owned by UB Freight.
Web-Based Consignment Software: This central hub allows UB Freight office staff to efficiently handle bookings and manage the assignment and delivery of jobs. With an intuitive user interface that integrates with third party APIs (such as Google Maps), the software ensures accurate tracking and reporting, reducing inefficiencies and errors.

Native Mobile Apps: Complementing the consignment software, we created a mobile app tailored for UB Freight’s delivery drivers. Through the app, drivers could digitally pick up consignments, double-check weights on-the-go, and complete deliveries with electronic confirmations. This ensured real-time updates and a paperless, eco-friendly process — no more double entry!
Having finished stage 1 of the project, UB Freight is actively expanding and refining the platform. Now that they own the IP for their own customised consignment software, they’re not only enjoying better operational efficiencies, but also maintain complete autonomy over the software’s future enhancements, guaranteeing continuous system improvements to their advantage.